The Anibal Ramos Jr. Civic Association has released its 2017 Year in Review, which highlights the events and activities sponsored by the non-profit organization founded by North Ward Councilman Anibal Ramos Jr.
"I am proud to release our 2017 Year in Review," Ramos said. "The report details all the activities that we sponsored during the year for the community."
ARJ Civic's signature event is its annual scholarship for high school and college students from Newark. In 2017, ARJ Civic awarded scholarships totaling $7,500 to 11 high school and college students.
ARJ Civic raises its annual budget primarily through community-based fundraising activities, including an annual golf outing, corporate sponsorship opportunities, and donations.
ARJ Civic often partners with other community-based organizations, local corporations and elected officials in Newark, which allows the organization to expand the number of people who can be served.
Read more about our activities in the 2017 Year in Review.
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