ARJ Civic Awards $18,000 to 12 Newark Students
The Anibal Ramos Jr. Civic Association awarded scholarships totaling $18,000 to 12 deserving high school and college students.
The scholarships were distributed during an awards ceremony at Nanina’s in the Park attended by family members of the students, Senate President M. Teresa Ruiz, Councilman-at-Large Luis Quiintana, Newark Schools Superintendent Roger Leon, Newark School Board member along with a number of administrators for North Ward public schools.
Anibal Ramos Jr. 11th Annual Golf Outing
The Anibal Ramos Jr. Civic Association held its 11th Annual Golf fundraiser at Weequahic Park in Newark on Oct. 12, 2023.
The event raises money for scholarships for Newark high school and college students, as well as a variety of programs in Newark, including movie nights in Branch Brook Park, backpack giveaways, a turkey giveaway at Thanksgiving, a holiday party for families and events for seniors.
ARJ Civic has awarded more than $100,000 in scholarships over the past decade to deserving students from Newark, helping them to continue their education.
ARJ Civic is a non-profit organization. Contributions are tax deductible to the maximum extent allowed by law.
ARJ Civic Awards $17,500 in Scholarships to 15 Newark Students
The Anibal Ramos Jr. Civic Association awarded scholarships totaling $17,500 to 15 deserving high school and college students.
The scholarships were distributed during an awards ceremony at Nanina’s in the Park attended by family members of the students and Newark Schools Superintendent Roger Leon along with a number of administrators for North Ward public schools.
Police Exam Prep Webinar 2022
The Anibal Ramos Jr. Civic Association, in partnership with the Hispanic Law Enforcement Society of Essex County and ESPOS Test Prep, held a webinar on January 24 to provide information about the upcoming New Jersey Law Enforcement Exam.
ARJ Civic Awards $14,000 in Scholarships to 12 Newark Students
The Anibal Ramos Jr. Civic Association awarded scholarships totaling $14,000 to 12 deserving high school and college students.
The scholarships were distributed during an awards ceremony at Nanina’s in the Park attended by family members of the students, state Sen. M. Teresa Ruiz, Councilman Luis Quintana and Newark Schools Superintendent Roger Leon along with a number of administrators for North Ward public schools.
Easter Egg Give and Go
The Anibal Ramos Jr. Civic Association on Saturday, April 3, 2021 partnered with North Newark Little League and the Hispanic Law Enforcement Society of Essex County along with North Ward Councilman Anibal Ramos Jr., Senator M. Teresa Ruiz, Assemblywomen Eliana Pintor Marin and Shanique Speight, Mayor Ras J. Baraka, Councilmen Carlos Gonzalez and Luis A. Quintana for a Easter Egg Give and Go event at Kasberger Field.
ARJ Civic Holds 7th Annual Golf Outing
The Anibal Ramos Jr. Civic Association held its 7th Annual Golf Outing at Essex County Weequahic Golf Course in Newark, raising thousands of dollars that will be used to provide scholarships to Newark students.
ARJ Civic Donates Hundreds of Backpacks to Newark Children
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NEWARK, NJ - If you asked one of the smiling kids bolting around Branch Brook Park what brought them out Friday night, they might have said watching the film "Captain Marvel" under the stars or wanting to jump around in the three inflatable bounce castles.
If you asked the parents, it would be the for the free backpacks that contained essential school supplies to see the kids through the 2019-2020 school year.
Newark Leaders honored at ARJ Civic Leadership Breakfast
The Anibal Ramos Jr. Civic Association today honored 11 leaders who have contributed to improving Newark during a fundraising breakfast at New Jersey Institute of Technology.
Those honored were leaders in business, education, law enforcement as well as the senior community.
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